Storage Service
Vehicle Location |
Storage Fee per Vehicle | ||
1 - 30 days | 31 - 60 days | 61 - 90 days | |
Japan | FREE | $100 / JPY 10,000 | $200 / JPY 20,000 |
UK | FREE | $100 / JPY 10,000 | $200 / JPY 20,000 |
USA | FREE | $200 / JPY 20,000 | $400 / JPY 40,000 |
Germany | FREE | $100 / JPY 10,000 | $200 / JPY 20,000 |
South Korea | FREE | $100 / JPY 10,000 | $200 / JPY 20,000 |
Singapore | FREE | $300 / JPY 30,000 | $600 / JPY 60,000 |
UAE | FREE | $100 / JPY 10,000 | $200 / JPY 20,000 |
*Storage period is counted from the date of the order, to the date of shipment departure
*Your shipments are handled as quickly as possible as usual unless the storage service is ordered
If you need or are considering the storage service, please contact your Sales Manager in charge or our Customer Service Team at 24/7 to avail.