Corporate Social Responsibility

Antigua and Barbuda, relief for Victims of Hurricane Irma

The Hurricane Irma, one of the most powerful in recorded history hit the Eastern Caribbean Islands, leaving just devastation and thousands of people homeless on its path of destruction.  The Island of Barbuda was almost entirely wiped out as 90 per cent of all buildings were destroyed when the category five storm hit. "Hurricane Irma hit Barbuda like a bomb" Prime Minister Gaston Brown said. SBT Japan has shown its commitment to the people in Antigua and Barbuda providing help and supplies through NODS ( National Office of Disaster Service) by giving $1,992 ECD worth in food, water and basic needs items.

water and basic needs items in the car. Carring food, water and basic needs items out. Carring food, water and basic needs items by a forklift. Carried food, water and basic needs items out.

SBT to Support Floods and Landslides in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka suffered severe damages caused by floods and landslides in May. Over 70 people were killed, 120 went missing and 300,000 displaced from their homes also affecting businesses in the area.

SBT supported the following action plans with a budget amounting to 300,000 JPY.
- Provide medicines to affected people.
- Provide food rations.
- Provide cloths and basic needs.
- SBT staff volunteers to visit and help affected areas.

SBT employees SBT employees SBT employees SBT employees

Ayuda de emergencia por Ciclón Tropical Pam

El 13 de marzo de 2015, El ciclón tropical "Pam" paso sobre República de Vanuatu dejando a su paso más 3,300 refugiados y 24 muertes confirmadas al marzo 16.
90% de los edificios en Port Vila, su capital fue desvastada, causando serios daños.
For esta razón, SBT donó 2 millones de yenes en la emergencia a través de la Cruz Roja .

Fondos de ayuda para Tifón Haiyan

El 8 de noviembre de 2013, él tifón Haiyan golpeó la isla de Leyte en Filipinas, causando serios daños. Alrededor de 7,000 personas desaparecidas y cerca de 16 millones de victimas, además de millones de casas dañadas.
Empleados y SBT donaron 155,962 JPY a 97.1 HeY! FM una comunidad en Filipinas de la cual SBT Filipinas es miembro.
SBT employees A partir del concepto de la donación a la representante de la comunidad en las Filipinas, la donación se entregó.
Ambos son empleados SBT